Arugula and Peach Pasta Salad

Arugula and Peach Pasta Salad


1/3 Ib. cavatappi pasta

115 0z. can chickpeas drained and rinsed

1 tsp. avocado oil

VA tsp. kosher salt

V4 tsp. pepper

4 tsp garlic powder

Va tsp. sweet paprika

4 cups (lightly packed) arugula

Juice of 1 lemon

1 ½ donut peaches pit removed and thinly sliced

3 tbsp. finely chopped shallot

2 tbsp. fresh dilled finely chopped

1 cup cherry or grape tomatoes halved

1 avocado diced

1 tbsp. hemp seed hearts

Creamy Agave-Mustard Dressing (makes extra)

2 tbsp. +1 tsp. agave nectar

3 tbsp. vegan mayo

1 tbsp. + 2 tsp. olive oil

2 tbsp. +1 tsp. white wine vinegar

1 ½ tsp. stone ground mustard

1 ½ tsp. Dijon mustard

4 tsp. kosher salt

4 tsp. pepper

4 tsp. garlic powder


Cook the pasta in salted water until al dente, then

drain and rinse. Set aside.

Meanwhile, place a pan on medium heat. Add the 15

0z. chickpeas, 1 tsp. avocado oil, 4 tsp. kosher salt, 4

tsp. pepper, 4 tsp. garlic powder, and ½ tsp. sweet

paprika. Stir, cook for 3 to 4 min until heated, stirring


Whisk together all Creamy Agave-Mustard Dressing

ingredients in a bowl (2 tbsp. +1 tsp. agave nectar, 3

tbsp. vegan mayo, 1 tbsp. + 2 tsp. olive oil, 2 tbsp. + 1

tsp. white wine vinegar, 1 ½ tsp. stone ground

mustard, 1 ½ tsp. Dijon mustard, ½ tsp. kosher salt, %4

tsp. pepper, ½ tsp. garlic powder).

Add the 4 cups arugula, cooked pasta, and juice of ½

the lemon to a large serving bowl or plate, and toss.

Cut the remaining lemon into wedges for serving. Top

the salad with the 1 ½ donut peaches, 3 tbsp. shallot,

2 tbsp. fresh dill, 1 cup cherry or grape tomatoes, 1

avocado, and 1 tbsp. hemp seed hearts, and about

half of the dressing, and gently toss. Top with the

chickpeas and serve with remaining dressing and

lemon wedges on the side.
